Painting and Poetry

Such Fragile Futures

The Art and the Sacred project involved several practitioners (a composer, a poet, several visual artists) as well as theologians and philosophers. The poet involved, Christine De Luca, opted to explore this interesting interface primarily through the process of creating new artistic work rather than merely through the process of ‘consumption of art’ or study. Her work was a collaboration with the visual artist Brigid Collins who, at the time, was Artist-in-Residence at Dr Neil’s Garden in Duddingston. 

Their collaborative output, ‘Such Fragile Futures’, was created as much as process than as product, addressing the question of how did the experience of creating these artworks expand the artists’ spiritual awareness?  As a valuable by-product, these new works of art could have a similar impact on those who might later ‘consume’ them. 

For a video and photos of the collaboration, please visit: